четверг, 2 апреля 2009 г.

Rest worth it?

Since childhood we know well that we need rest. A person cannot work all the time. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. You do not want to be dull, do you? Let’s make a plan. Rest can be of different types: active and passive. Let us try to join them together in your rest schedule.
Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. Write down what you want to do at your free hours. Recall all your dreams and write them down at one half of the sheet. The list can be very long. Do not be afraid of it. On the other part write down how often you would like to do it.
If you want to go to Paris, decide how many times you would like to visit this famous city and how many days you want to spend there. Maybe your paid leave spent in Paris might bring you a lot of new emotions and change your life a bit. Mark the month of your paid leave with short “Paris”. Then think about some monthly entertainments. Maybe, a theater? A concert? Just decide up to your taste, choose what you really like.
Then choose rest for every week. Then choose daily occupations. Your rest schedule is ready!
Start to realize it! What are you waiting for? Haven’t you planned to play chess with your neighbor? Call him immediately!

четверг, 26 марта 2009 г.


When you are going through pregnancy your body demands that you rest from time to time. The first trimester is laced with fatigue as your body adapts to the demands on creating new life. As you approach the second trimester you often find that you are once again filled with energy and the blissfulness of carrying life. As you near the end of the third trimester much of that energy has been sapped so that your body can rest and prepare for the process of labor and delivery. Of course, then you have a newborn baby and suddenly everything changes.
Getting ample rest during pregnancy is quite a bit easier than getting enough rest once your newborn enters the world. Most newborns love to rest themselves. Unfortunately they prefer to rest during the day and they like to stay up all night. While there are many theories on how to help your child adjust to the reversal of time, since newborns have usually been more active at night during your pregnancy, you still need to find the time to rest.
Rest when the baby rests and you will gather strength much more quickly. You can do basic little household chores while you carry the baby around during their waking hours. You need to remember that your body has been through a tremendous change and the need for rest is huge. Limit visitors and explain to family members that they can visit but you need ample rest. This makes for a much easier transition from a pregnant woman to a woman with a newborn and a serious need for ample rest.

вторник, 3 февраля 2009 г.

Care about the cost of your rest

Cost of the tour consists of the ticket price, place in a hotel, catering, insurance, transfers, tours, current expenses. Typically, travel packages do not get a visa - it is a separate item. The special theme - food. Looking prices do not be afraid to obscure abbreviations - they are simple: BB - only breakfast, HB-breakfast and lunch or dinner, FV - full board. The system of explosives handy in Eastern Europe and Mediterranean countries, which is inexpensive taverns, cafes and restaurants. 
Experiment with local cuisine is well in Bulgaria, Greece, the Czech Republic and Hungary. About all inclusive knows most skilled to massive lines of tourists - it is round-the-clock food and beverage consumption of local production. Recent years have expanded options for all - ultra, surer and others, depending on the imagination and strategy hotel-staff. In terms of transport, then get to the resort can be a regular flight (usually in the European direction) or a charter. 
Charter, of course, is cheaper because the price is calculated from the seat 100%-term loading the plane. From the calendar charter depend the rest - travel packages include round-trip ticket. Charter-parties feature - a floating schedule. Any delay at any airport pulls a subsequent failure of schedule. Experienced tourists know-travel during peak dates is often fraught with troubles - the replacement of aircraft, or a long wait at the airport. 
Trips best book on the ground, in the hotel. This concern Host Company, and does it work well. On the street little firms can be contacted, but with caution. Experiment on your wallet is not worth it.